الأحد، 13 يناير 2013

chapter 7

After 7 years, laila is working in a company, one day she was late
 to work, when she suddenly saw police officers searching her
 office, she was too pissed off!! Because they blamed her of
 stealing “CD” that contains important information about this
Anyway, she told them that she didn’t know anything about that
 CD … but while they were searching, they found the CD inside
 her desk drawers!! They didn’t bother to listen to her excuses, so
 she got kicked off from the company “enfa9lat”.
She went back home crying, and repeating these sentences
 “ظلمووني "  oo "الدنيا دواره"    la7’9a la7’9aaa … el denya dwarah
 3aleehm bs mu 3aleech ?
She was so depressed, so she decided to take a nap.
She dreamed about …  guess who?
ELKHADAMA. Tathkrounha? Ely ethmet’ha enha ely bayga flous
 mn omha ..
Anyway, hl khadama kant tgoul lha bl 7elm  
"ها ذقتي مرارة الظلم  bs 3ad madry etha galt’ha bl 3arbi wela hindi
=)) la yuba atghshmer weyakum bs 7abeet al6ef eljaw shwyy :P
Anyway, ee hathy el denya salf oo dain, ya 7abaybee etha
 en’9lmtaw la t7atoun 7a8kum mahoo ‘9aye3 ;) … bs aaakkhh
etha kentaw entaw el sebb fe ‘9elm ensaan? Amaanaa shloun
 gedrtaw tnamoun el lail aw tkmloun 7ayatkum oo entaw
 nesetaw ena   (الدنيا دواره) و (الدنيا سلف و ديين)?
6albtkum ya bashrr?
Abekum gbel la t76oun raskum oo tnamoun, TKFAA ge3daw
 tefakraw m3a nafskum …
Fe mra ‘9elmtaw ensaan?
Aw jer7taw shkhe9?
Etha EEHH. 3yal SHNA6REEN? Goumaaaw fezaaw te9al7aw weya
 hl shkhe9, gbel lat7oushkum 7oubtaa!
Finally, always keep in mind   (الدنيا دواره)
عرفت قيمتي اللحين عرفت الدنيا دواره ...
انا عندي لك كلمة روحي وامشي يا غدارة ...
provide me with your feedbacks xx
Twitter: @advisoralflani

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