الخميس، 3 يناير 2013

chapter 3

أنا غلطان و متأسف يالييت تسمعني و تصالح .....
Yaamaa 6l3 mna 7achy ma kena naq9da .. net7sef 3aleeh ayaam,
 sh’hour oo sneen! Bs methel ma t3rfoun elnadm wakta ma ynf3,
 especially etha hl 7achy engal 7g shakhe9 3azeez 3ala gulbkum..
oo mu kel ensaan ygdr ysame7, ymkn ysame7 bs mra7 ynsaa …
Let me tell you a TRUE event happened to my cousin, let me
 name her shaikha, shikha has a close friend, her name is lulu,
both, lulu&shaikha love to read manga oo hl swalef ;p and lulu’s
cousin y7eb hl swalef b3ed, so lulu 3arefta “her boy cousin” 3ala
shaikha, she created grp bl whatsapp oo named it “manga
lovers” bs 3ashan ysolfon 3n manga’s updates .. bs cousin lulu
 WLA MRA sa2l shaikha “personal questions”  , I forget to
mention that shaikha also talks to her other friend’s brother, and
 also bs 3n manga stuff. NO PERSONAL QUESTIONS.
Days passed, and shaikha stopped talking to lulu’s cousin,
because lulu got engaged to him. and also to her friend’s brother,
 for personal issues.
One day, shaikha received a whatsapp from her friend’s brother
asking her if she can MEET HIM IN PUBLIC! :) and she thought it
was lulu’s cousin. She froze in her place couldn’t think, and she
did the worst choice ever!! She called lulu and told her that her
cousin “lulu’s cousin” sent her this whatsapp asking her to meet
her in public. first, lulu didn’t believe shaikha, but after showing
 her the whatsapp conv. “captured” by shaikha she believed her.
 And yeah in case if you are wondering, both, lulu’s cousin and
her friend’s brother got the same name.
Lulu was shocked, she thought her cousin “ykhounha” la oo ib
 mnu her FRIEND! But akther shy m7yrhaa .. ena “etha ykhouny
oo y7eb my friend, lish KHE6BNYY!!”
It’s torture to think “belive” that kha6ebch y7eb aw yklem wa7da
 mn wrach, laa oo t6l3 your FRIEND.  Fe wayed zwajhum ekhtreb
ib hl sebb.. but remember in this story ma 9ar hl shyyy, shaikha
 understood elw’93 ghala6 .. and it was a big mistake from her.
To be continued ….
provide me with your feedbacks xx
Twitter: @advisoralflani

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