الخميس، 31 يناير 2013

chapter 13

قال تعالى : (وقضى ربك الا تعبدوا الا اياه و بالوالدين احسانا اما يبلغن عندك الكبر احدهما او كلاهما فلا تقل لهما اف ولا تنهرهما و قل لهما قولا كريما )
Before letting my heart speak to you, I want you all to imagine this with me..
Imagine that you have just woke up from a nightmare, a really bad one, and your first thought is to go and check on your mom, to see if she’s okay, and let her hug you and calm you down, and to make sure that your nightmare had nothing to do with her.
So you knocked her door, but no response. You decided to open the door, but you didn’t find her inside!! Then you decided to go and search for her in all the house, but didn’t find her .. finally you called her on her mobile, and it was switched off.
You saw every member of your family, except your mom, gathering in the living room, some of them tearing, others are in deep sadness, but all of them were looking to you with mercy …
Your dad came closer to you, holds your hands, and hugs you too tight, then tells you .. “yuba .. omch ra7t mukan wayed a7laa, ra7et 3end rab elbashr, omch tewft 9arlha sh’hreen oo enty kl youum 3ala hl 7alaa, kl youm nafs elqe9a … “
And then you start having flashback, to that nightmare which turned out to be REAL.
Our parents are the joy of our life, the light of our eyes. Allah commanded us to obey them and treat them well. Our parents worked hard for us. They do their best for us, and give us love and care, so don’t they deserve our respect for them?
Let me tell you a story I heard it and read it several times. Yeah it’s a TRUE story, I think you have heard of it, but I hope not yet ..
This story about a mom and her son, first, let me tell you more about his mom, she loves him so much ( mest3da it’97y ib ay shy 3ashan ra7t weladha) she works in his school, not a principle or a teacher, but a lady that serves food for the students in the cafeteria, and she had something that made her son always stay away from her, and treat her very bad, like he told her to NOT call him “my son” in front of other students 3ashan ma tfshlaa ..tboun t3rfoun lish he treats her in this way? Well, because she has just one eye, she lost her other eye in … umm maby akhreb 3alekum ra7 t3rfoun akhr elqe9a enshalla :p
Days passed, and that son is treating his mother much worse, no one of his friends knows that she’s his mother, every student use to make fun of her one eye ..
Until that day, when her son decided to get married, his mother was very happy for him, she thought that if he got married, he’ll treat his mother very well … but, as you know NOT all what we EXPECT from people turn out to be TRUE.
One day, she went to visit her son, because she didn’t see him for 7 years ( kan msafer weya mrta oo 3yalah y3esh bra) .. t5yalaw ma 7an 3aleh gulbh yrd yshouf omh  …. :’)
Anyway, she asked about him until she found where he lives, so she went to his apartment, knock the door, and 2 young children opened the door for her, awl ma shaft’hm 7aset enhm 3yal weldha, chan trou7 tlmhum la shu3oorya’aa <33 …  faja’a the children pushed her away, they started to scream, they were so SCARED of her one eye ..
All of a sudden, her son appeared in front of her, she went to place her arms around him, to hug him so tight to her chest, to let her feelings speak, to show him how much she missed a part of her, missed his smell, missed the word “Yuma”from his lips …… <\3
To be continued ….
Can you provide me with your feedbacks please? xx
Twitter: @advisoralflani

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